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How to Avoid Parkinson's Law and Increase Sales Productivity

Updated: Jun 3, 2023

Focus on being productive instead of busy -Tim Ferriss
Picture of person pushing down hip of paper cartoons

Table of Content

How to Supercharge Sales Productivity and Avoid Parkinson's Law: A Comprehensive Guide.

Personal Anecdote: How Parkinson's Law Impacted My Early Professional Experiences.

The Impact of Parkinson's Law in Sales and High-Pressure Jobs.

Practical Tips for Avoiding Parkinson's Law in Sales and High-Pressure Jobs.



How to Supercharge Sales Productivity and Avoid Parkinson's Law: A Comprehensive Guide

Parkinson's Law is a productivity principle that states that "work expands to fill the time available for its completion." In other words, if you give yourself a long time to complete a task, it will take longer than if you gave yourself a shorter timeframe.

Parkinson's Law Chart
Parkinson's Law

This principle can have a significant impact on sales professionals and high-pressure job roles, where deadlines and targets are essential. If not managed properly, Parkinson's Law can lead to inefficiency, lower-quality work, and increased stress levels.

Personal Anecdote: How Parkinson's Law Impacted My Early Professional Experiences

Creative Image of a businessman burdened with heap load of work files.

Early on in my sales professional career, I often found myself struggling with Parkinson's Law and its impact on my productivity. The lack of clarity in vision and roles within the organization made it difficult for me to understand my responsibilities and perform to the best of my abilities. I vividly remember a particular instance where I was given a task to complete, but I was not clear on the overall vision and how my task fit into the bigger picture. As a result, I spent a lot of time going back and forth with my colleagues and superiors, trying to understand what was expected of me. This led to delays in completing the task, causing stress and frustration for both myself and my team.

Unfortunately, the lack of clarity in vision and roles is still prevalent in many organizations today. It can lead to confusion, procrastination, and ultimately, a decrease in productivity.

Importance of Clarity in Vision and Roles

Having a clear vision and defined roles within the organization is crucial for avoiding Parkinson's Law and improving productivity. When everyone understands the bigger picture and how their tasks fit into it, it becomes easier to prioritize and work efficiently.

In my current role as a mid-management leader, I make it a point to ensure that my team has a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. We have set goals and expectations that are clearly defined and communicated, which helps to avoid confusion and procrastination. This has led to increased productivity and a happier, more motivated team.

Lessons Learned

My early experiences with Parkinson's Law taught me the importance of clarity in vision and roles. It's essential to have a clear understanding of what is expected of you and how your work fits into the bigger picture. As a leader, it's my responsibility to ensure that my team has this clarity and understanding, so they can perform to the best of their abilities.

In conclusion, my personal anecdote illustrates how Parkinson's Law can impact productivity in the workplace. The lack of clarity in vision and roles can lead to confusion, procrastination, and ultimately, decreased productivity. As professionals, it's important to prioritize clarity and understanding in order to avoid Parkinson's Law and achieve our goals efficiently.

The Impact of Parkinson's Law in Sales and High-Pressure Jobs

Parkinson's Law can negatively impact sales professionals and high-pressure job roles by creating a situation where individuals spend more time than necessary on low-value activities. This can lead to missed deadlines and reduced productivity. For example, a sales professional with a target of closing five deals in a month may waste time on tasks that are not aligned with the company's goals, leading to poor performance.

Practical Tips for Avoiding Parkinson's Law in Sales and High-Pressure Jobs

Group of professional businessman rejoice with a trophy.

To avoid Parkinson's Law and improve productivity, sales professionals and high-pressure job roles can take the following steps:

Define a Clear Vision Statement and Drivers

To the person who does not know where he wants to go there is no favorable wind Seneca

Having a clear vision statement and drivers is essential for sales professionals and individuals working in high-pressure jobs. The vision statement defines the company's goals and objectives, providing individuals with a clear understanding of what they are working towards. The drivers are the critical factors that enable the vision to be achieved.

Having a clear vision statement and drivers can help individuals prioritize tasks that align with the company's goals, ensuring they are not wasting time on low-value activities. This clarity helps individuals understand the impact of their work on the company's overall success and motivates them to work towards achieving the vision.

Clarify Roles and Responsibilities

Clarity precedes success - Robin Sharma

Understanding one's role and responsibilities is essential for working efficiently and completing tasks on time and to a high standard. Sales professionals and individuals working in high-pressure jobs should have a clear understanding of their role in the team and the organization. This understanding helps them to manage their workload effectively and enables them to work collaboratively with their colleagues.

Understand What's In and Out of Scope

Knowing what is in and out of scope is essential for individuals to avoid wasting time on tasks that are not necessary or relevant. Sales professionals and individuals working in high-pressure jobs should have a clear understanding of the scope of their work to ensure that they focus on high-value activities that align with the company's goals.

Identify Trade-Offs

In high-pressure jobs, it is often impossible to complete every task within the given timeline. Understanding trade-offs is essential for individuals to make informed decisions about how to allocate their time effectively. Sales professionals and individuals working in high-pressure jobs should identify tasks that can be delegated or postponed to focus on high-priority tasks that require immediate attention.

Set Timelines

God has a timeline. And because of Bethlehem, we have an idea where we stand on it - Max Lucado

Setting timelines is critical for sales professionals and individuals working in high-pressure jobs to ensure that tasks are completed on time and to a high standard. Having a clear understanding of deadlines helps individuals to manage their workload effectively and prioritize their tasks accordingly. Setting timelines also helps to avoid the last-minute rush and the associated stress that comes with it.

Prioritize Tasks

Creative Image of a man shouting at a clock.

Prioritizing tasks is essential for individuals to focus on the most important tasks first, avoiding time wasted on low-value activities. Sales professionals and individuals working in high-pressure jobs should prioritize their tasks based on their urgency and importance. This prioritization ensures that they focus their time and energy on high-value activities that align with the company's goals.

Avoid Time Wastage

There is one kind of robber whom the law does not strike at, and who steals what is most precious to men: time - Napoleon I

Avoiding time wastage is crucial for improving productivity. This can involve avoiding distractions such as social media or email and delegating tasks where appropriate. Sales professionals and individuals working in high-pressure jobs should also ensure that they take breaks to refresh their minds and avoid burnout. By avoiding time wastage, individuals can focus on completing high-value activities and achieving their goals within the given timeline.

Use Productivity Books and Applications

Creative image of work journal, laptop from an office desk

Here are some other productivity books and applications that can be useful for sales professionals and high-pressure job roles:

Productivity Books

  • "Atomic Habits" by James Clear: This book offers practical strategies for building good habits and breaking bad ones. It can help sales professionals and high-pressure job roles create a structure for their workday and develop routines that lead to increased productivity.

  • "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg: This book explores the science behind habits and how they can be changed. It can help sales professionals and high-pressure job roles understand why they may be struggling with productivity and provide them with practical tools to make positive changes.

  • "Essentialism" by Greg McKeown: This book offers a framework for focusing on the essential tasks that will have the most significant impact on achieving one's goals. It can help sales professionals and high-pressure job roles prioritize tasks effectively and avoid wasting time on activities that do not align with their objectives.

Productivity Applications

  • Trello: This application allows users to organize and prioritize tasks in a visually appealing way. It can help sales professionals and high-pressure job roles keep track of their to-do lists and ensure that they are focused on the most important tasks.

  • Google Workspace: This suite of applications includes Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Sheets. It can help sales professionals and high-pressure job roles collaborate on documents and spreadsheets, manage emails efficiently, and store important files securely.

  • Calendar: This application can help sales professionals and high-pressure job roles manage their schedules efficiently. It can also help them avoid scheduling conflicts and ensure that they have enough time to complete their tasks. I use

  • Zoom: This application is a video conferencing platform that can help sales professionals and high-pressure job roles communicate with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders remotely. It can save time and money by eliminating the need for in-person meetings.

By using productivity books and applications, sales professionals and high-pressure job roles can improve their productivity, avoid Parkinson's Law, and achieve their goals efficiently. These tools provide practical tips, strategies, and frameworks for working more effectively, managing time more efficiently, and achieving professional success.


In conclusion, sales professionals and high-pressure job roles can avoid Parkinson's Law and improve their productivity by following the practical tips outlined in this article. By understanding Parkinson's Law, individuals can identify how it impacts their productivity and take steps to avoid it. Defining a clear vision statement and drivers, clarifying roles and responsibilities, understanding what's in and out of scope, identifying trade-offs, setting timelines, prioritizing tasks, and avoiding time wastage can enable individuals to work efficiently and effectively, even under tight deadlines. By taking these steps, sales professionals and high-pressure job roles can improve their productivity, achieve their goals, and reduce stress levels, leading to professional growth and success.

We hope that these tips will be helpful to you in your sales or high-pressure job role. If you found this article informative, please share it with your colleagues and leave a comment below to let us know your thoughts.

For more such productivity-related articles, please follow us on our social media channels. We will continue to share valuable insights and practical tips to help you improve your productivity and achieve your goals. Thank you for reading, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!


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Reference List

1) Trello
4) Zoom
5) HBR
6) Asana


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